Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ingrid's Mandala

So who is Ingrid? The following is from her website:

"Ingrid Kincaid is the vision, inspiration and heart of
Beyond This There Be Dragons
Creative Alchemy Coaching

She invites you to join her in exploring
creativity, possibility and adventure in your own life.

A unique blend of wise woman and mischievous imp,
Ingrid has a twinkle in her eye,
music in her voice and love in her heart.

You might see her dressed in black leather, riding her Harley,
her wild crazy curly hair flying in the wind.

Or you could find her leading sacred ritual in a candlelit room,
dressed in skins, her totemic tattoos alive and moving.

She is equally comfortable speaking in front of
groups of business professionals.

Ingrid is a licensed real estate broker and small business owner.
Her background in sales and marketing gives her a practical, pragmatic side that blends well with her creative and intuitive nature.

She loves snowfall in the mountains, cobbled streets in European villages,
fresh ground coffee, single malt Scotch and her children."

Ingrid is definitely a Renaissance Woman. Mostly she is a good friend!

1 comment:

usman said...

It's amazing ingrid mandala,it's portrait,color schema is beautiful,you can find more information on...

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